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Leia Hybrid


MSRP $4,190 USD

RDS $410 USD

Leia is not a canopy built to the standards of a mere workhorse, but to the impossibly high standards of a modern competition canopy.

With advanced panel shaping and the latest generation planform initiated with Petra, she is the most modern wing you can buy short of a full comp-specific sail fabric parachute. Her high ellipticity, optimized wing tips and signature Powerband nose make for a leading edge that simply slices through air.


From Leia’s sleek computer engineered 21-cell design to her sexy airfoil and Vectran 400 lines, she is not just the world’s ultimate ZP canopy. She is your ultimate everyday swoop wing. The result? She’s soft where you want her and strong where you need her. A canopy that can be jumped anytime hassle-free and can also kick ass over the pond like nothing you’ve ever seen. Made for highly skilled pilots to fly with everyday, she is not a toy – she’s a weapon.

Which is why everyone who is anyone (or thinks they are) wants to get his or her hands on one.  True, that extra ten percent that separates the truly extraordinary from the merely good doesn’t come easy. Or cheap. But after one test flight we’re confident you’ll agree, she’s worth every penny.

The all-new Leia. Fall in love.

Plus an additiona 3-4% Customs Fee 

Who is Leia for?

Leia is what we classify as a hyper-performance canopy, a class above normal high performance crossbraced canopies. She’s a completely different animal than your JFX, JVX or Velo. She’s designed for pilots who already have lots of experience swooping small, highly loaded crossbraced wings. The Leia is NOT for students, low time jumpers, CRW jumpers, wingsuiters, classic accuracy, BASE-jumping or even as a first crossbraced canopy.

To order a Leia you must have:

  • 1500+ jumps

  • 500+ jumps on a crossbraced canopy at a 2.0wl or above

  • 250+ jumps (minimum) in the last 12 months

  • A reference from a coach or experienced competitive swooper

If you fall narrowly outside these minimums but have something else to take into consideration (i.e. high percentage of swoop specific coached jumps or lots of competition experience) let us know.


Am I ready for Leia?
Do you have a good coach? Does your coach say you are ready? Do you meet the requirements above?


Will my order be accepted?
If we’re not sure, we’ll send you a few more questions, and if you’re not quite there yet, we’ll keep your contact details and check where you’re up to in about a year. We want everyone to fly the canopy they want to, but we also try to keep you safe.


What is the price?
3100usd before options.
Hybrid construction (sail internals) costs an extra 200usd and an RDS costs an extra 300usd.


What is Hybrid Construction and why is it better?
A Hybrid version has ZP top and lower surfaces and sail fabric ribs and crossbraces. Keeping the external panels made of ZP rather than an all sail canopy means a smaller pack volume and more durability. Constructing the skeleton of your canopy from more rigid sail fabric means it distorts less. This keeps your wing in the shape it is designed making it noticeably more efficient, faster and more powerful. You get the best of both worlds.

Note: Sail internals are exclusively available in white.


Can I demo one?

We don’t currently have a demo program. If you order one and after ten jumps decide you need a different size or type of canopy, we’ll switch it for you. We are so confident that you’ll love Leia that we promise if you are not happy after ten jumps, you can send your Leia back for a full refund minus shipping costs.


What should I load it at?
We suggest loading Leia at 2.2 and above. Usually a few sqft less than the wing you are already confortable with is a good choice.


What colors can I have?
The Powerband comes in black. For the rest of your canopy you can choose any color from our ZP pallet. If you have Hybrid Construction your sail ribs and crossbraces are exclusively available in white.
SkyArt and logo printing are available for Leia’s – email us at for a quote.


What linetype can I have?
Vectran 400


Can I use it with a wingsuit?

Can I get colored packing tabs?
If you need colored packing tabs, Leia is not for you!

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